The film is based on a real life story where the protagonist, Rizwan Khan is suffering from a rare disease called Asperger’s Disease which causes physical clumsiness and atypical use of language. The film is set in the city of New York.
Jimmy Shiergill plays Shahrukh’s brother in the movie. Kajol plays the love interest of Shahrukh for the film.
Karan Johar, through this movie, wants to convey a strong message of humanity, especially about the treatment meted out to people suffering from this rare disorder. Through his character, ShahRukh Khan undergoes a transformation in his outlook about life and the whole world, while he is being held captive by some miscreants for a few weeks. The film will also try to show that if given right counselling to such people, they would be able to easily adjust with the society like any other normal citizen.
Cast: Shahrukh Khan, Kajol, Jimmy Sheirgill
Director: Karan Johar
Producer: Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions
Co-Producer: Shahrukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
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