Cause of Cancer and other Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndromes

The main cause of cancer and other chronic immune (Wei) dysfunction syndromes is a weakened or suppressed immune system (Wei Qi) due to many causative factors which can be categorized into climatic changes, food factors, emotional factors and hereditary factors.

Climatic Changes and External Factors

According to Chinese medical theory, dampness or humidity weakens the energy of the spleen-pancreas complex aggravating any immuno-suppressed condition. The continuous air pollution, indiscriminate use of artificial chemicals, disrespectful dumping of tons of garbage into our rivers and seas, and the creation of holes in the ozone layer. Burning of forests has increased the CO2 in our atmosphere causing an increase in temperature enough to flood coastal cities and create dryness in productive farmlands, and deplete our supply of vital oxygen.

Another of the external factors is the overuse of medications presently killing more people a year than car accidents. Antibiotics have become a home remedy for anything that looks like an innocent cold, killing friendly bacteria in our gut and allowing yeast overgrowth in increasing numbers. The "pill" once hailed as sexual liberation, has so many side effects (yeast overgrowth one of them) that it is incredible to me that so many women are still taking it. And of course, cortisone, radiation therapy, anti-cancer drugs all suppress the very immune system they are supposed to support!

Food Factors and Changes

We have processed the goodness out of our foods, ingested toxic metals from our cooking methods, increased the fat intake, decreased the dietary fiber with chronic constipation and degenerative diseases as a consequence. But the biggest threat to our health is the enormous intake of sugar and aspartame (Nutrasweet, Sweet 'N Low). There is also consistent evidence of contaminated poultry and injection of antibiotics and hormones into meat. So what does the American public think? Are they just going to eat this meat anyway? I guess they are. But don't try to sell me the idea that we have the best food in the world. Is it not ironic that we have a special "health food" section? What shall we call those other foods? "Unhealthy foods"? You know, we should.


Eastern medicine recognized the relationship between emotions and the damage they do to organs 5,000 years ago. You can easily guess which one damages the immune system (Wei Qi) raising the rate of "wear and tear" within the body. Yes, it is worry, STRESS. Blame whatever you will -- job, spouse, bills, kids, the complexity of life -- stress has become one of America's most common health problems. In every cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other CIDS patient that I have seen in my practice, stress was the ultimate triggering factor, the straw that broke the camel's back. And most often, it is the single cause of relapse. Only very recently has Western medicine begun investigating stress.

Hereditary Factors

Heredity is one of the main means of spreading CIDS. The biggest culprit here is the yeast cell, Candida albicans. Candida is considered the number one aggressor when our immune system is suppressed. With the increased progesterone in the third trimester of pregnancy, CIDS patients with Candida see an aggravation to their condition. Unrecognized (mistake #1) or insufficiently treated by doctors (mistake #2), yeast cells are transmitted to the newborn who may be born with thrush, but more likely will start showing symptoms of ear infections. And since Candida collects fluid in the middle ear, pressing against the ear drum, imitating a bacterial infection, antibiotics are given in repetitive doses (mistake #3), providing the ideal climate to enhance the growth of the yeast cell. It is not uncommon to see 4 year-olds who have been on antibiotics for almost all of their short lives. The rest is a modern classic. These children crave sugar, become hyperactive, receive Ritalin, demonstrate learning disabilities and are labelled problems (Mistakes innumerable). Those children never get a chance! CIDS is NOT a disease of "Yuppies"; it affects children and adolescents in much greater numbers than you suspect.

Knowing that the above factors are the causes of a suppressed system and secondarily lead to an invasion of yeast, viruses, bacteria and parasites, we realize that although the problem cannot be rectified by a single medication (which is only a dream), it can be controlled by a total holistic approach.

Cure for Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndromes

Signs of a Depressed Immune System

The very first micro-organism to sense the decreased strength of our immune system (Wei Qi) is the Candida cell. In fact it starts multiplying before the patient exhibits one single symptom. Hence, immuno-suppressed patients present themselves with yeast symptoms. Of course, the reader thinks about a vaginal yeast infection, and indeed, millions of victims show such a symptom. Alas, this is not all. Multiple food sensitivities, bloating, gas, constipation or loose bowels, PMS, no menstrual cycle at all, cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, inability to lose weight, loss of short-term memory and concentration, panic attacks, inability to hold chiropractic adjustments, dizzy spells, postnasal drip, moodswings, urination frequency and burning, loss of sexual desire, metallic taste in the mouth and irritability, all are symptoms of yeast overgrowth. Once the patient's immune system is busy fighting this massive yeast invasion, viruses such as Herpes Simplex family (like CEBV) have an easy time multiplying and exhibitng their own symptomatology -- muscle fatigue, sore throats, flu-like symptoms, low grade fevers and enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Often a hypersensitivity towards sunlight and sound is noted. The patient catches one cold after another, sensitivities towards the environment increase, and the patient feels like he will never recover from an endless flu. As if he does not have enough to deal with already, almost every CIDS is invaded by the ultimate enemy, parasites. They will add their own ailments (loose stools, ravenous appetite with weight loss) but often blend symptoms with those of yeast and viruses.

Therapeutic Measures

Avoid greasy and fatty foods. Shun the number one killer, sugar (fructose, sucrose, corn syrup, honey). I have already mentioned to avoid aspartame at all costs. The diet of an immuno-suppressed patient should be a high protein, low carbohydrate alkaline one. Avoid breads, dairy products (except butter and eggs), vinegar, apples, pears, grapes, mushrooms, canned foods, coffee, wine, beer, champagne or anything else that is fermented (miso and tofu). Every CIDS patient would show 50% improvement simply by following these guidelines.

Emotional stress factors should be faced and handled through talk therapy with a friend or counsellor (should be a good listener).

Learning how to breathe and how to meditate such as the Melchizedek Method or Holographic Sound Healing will greatly magnify the spiritual healing techniques the patient is having and heal holographically increasing the patient's Wei Qi (vital energy) a thousand fold, opening one's heart to unconditional love and activating the light body (merkaba) of the patient. You can access online Advance Qi Meditation Techniques.

The two herbal formulas which are time tested and scientifically proven and improved in mainland China to detoxify the blood, cells and detox organs (such as the liver, bowels, kidney and lungs) are "C" Cessiac and "Y" Yuccalive and which consequently build and strengthen the immune system (Wei Qi). The Liver Flush program should be done with the herbal products for optimum results.

Obviously, we have to increase the strength of our immune system (Wei-Yong Qi), and this can be achieved through numerous possible treatments. Qigong, Alkaline Kangen Water, sun gazing, acupuncture and moxibustion, pranic healing, germanium, coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Beta carotene, Antioxidant (grapeseed, bilberry, cranberry extract), Horsetail Grass extract, Milk Thistle, Astragalus, Echinacea, Buteyko method of breathing, Ozone therapy, Vitamin E and Zinc, Green drinks, Microflora (Super-Neoflora) containing a specific bacteria, Bacillus Latersporus, and exercise are just a few that can be tried. By effectively treating the underlying causes of the suppression of the immune system by yeast, parasites, viruses and bacteria, and by avoiding the triggering factors mentioned, one will allow the immune system to restore itself. More than ever in this world, this is a must. If you are not going to start today, when will you start? And if you don't do it for yourself, who will? Join the Cancer/CIDS Support Group NOW to learn how to strengthen your immune system with these powerful tools.


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